Tuesday, November 6, 2012

why a ballot cast is for a post-christian America

In a brief departure from the normal content of my blog, I want to address why this election (like every election) presents Christians with weighty issues to slog through in the casting of a ballot. Personally, I think it is good to do this exercise, but in the end there are always issues from both parties that make me disappointed with politics. I participate in my citizen's right to vote anyway. Many people serve this country to protect this unique freedom. Men and women have died so that I can do this. For that reason alone I feel like sitting out an election is unconscionable.

Look at the party platforms. Both Democrats and Republicans have set out their agendas for America. And for the most part the Republican platform seems harmless enough. Except, I am worried about the concern for restoring the American Dream. As a pastor and a biblical counselor, I have seen a great deal of idolatry come from the expectation that a high standard of living is "my right". I struggle with that because I have been to third world countries and have seen how Christians thrive in many ways stronger than we are. Do I really want policies enacted that create the idolatry of materialism? ...Something for me to think through.

Then there is the Democratic Platform. Huge moral problems for me to deal with. Two come to the forefront... Unwavering commitment to a woman's "right" to abortion and the redefinition of family to include same-sex marriage. At that point I cannot find biblical priorities for these issues. I can applaud some of the social concerns, but then these issues have me backpedalling away from the platform.

Lest I think that only the democratic platform continues the trend of post-Christian societal redefinition, I am reminded that the Republican presidential candidate is non-Christian. Mormonism is not Christianity. Not even close. Oh, I guess it is more "Christian" than Zoroastrianism is. But it is in reality not even monotheistic. So a Mormon president will also continue a post-christian cultural direction.

There you have the quandary. Politics and presidents are going to fix it all. Every election in this culture is not clearly black and white. It requires evaluation and making a choice most close to what you want... in my case... what I think best supports biblical values. But I am not kidding myself. Neither party will end post-christian cultural decline. That is my job... really every Christian's call through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit and the proclamation of the gospel... starting with myself and then extending through a caring church to my community and my world.

I am Martin Burch. I am speaking solely on my own behalf and am in no way or fashion representing any organization. And I approved this message.

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