Thursday, February 26, 2009

My Bethel

13    Then God went up from him in the place where he had spoken with him.
14    And Jacob set up a pillar in the place where he had spoken with him, a pillar of stone. He poured out a drink offering on it and poured oil on it.

Genesis 35:13-14


In heaven You live; earth is my home.

But speaking to me, You step down

and touch the rocky ground

and where You stand is holy


Earth is the place You meet me

and Your Word is clear as I see

what You want me to do and be

nothing less than as You are: holy


And the rocks where we have met

are set up again to commemorate

the fact that You are pure and great

and I am just not holy


So come to me, O Ancient One

and make me like Your Perfect Son

as with You I walk, You save me from

that which stains me. You make me holy

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