Wednesday, February 6, 2013

the future matters to God

In those days Judah will be saved, and Jerusalem will dwell securely. And this is the name by which it will be called: 'The LORD is our righteousness.'
Jeremiah 33:16

There is a picture here of a time still yet to be for Israel and Jerusalem. This is a time where one king, descendent of David, will rule a prosperous nation. The nation is the center of world attention. The flourishing of it is something that God brings about for His glory. The covenant is renewed, embraced, and blessed.

Of course, I am firmly convinced that all the interpretive evidence puts this in the context of the millennial reign of Christ. Jesus is "the Branch", the Messianic leader described in this passage. And it is His rule as the Son of David that will fulfill the prophetic picture here portrayed. And His rule will transform Jerusalem, the nation of Israel, and all the kingdoms of this earth.

I am thankful God has shown us His future plan in His word. For the generation that Jeremiah was preparing for exile, this was a hope that would help them endure. And for all generations, it is a hope that helps us trust God in our difficult moments. For that reason, as well as theological ones, eschatology really matters.

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