Thursday, June 25, 2009

Out of the frying pan…

frying pan egg Moses spoke thus to the people of Israel, but they did not listen to Moses, because of their broken spirit and harsh slavery.

Exodus 6:9

Things have gone from bad to worse from the point of view of leadership for Moses. He knew that deliverance for Israel was going to be a “hard sell”. All of his objections to the Lord involved the fact that he felt Israel would not believe him. And now, as God has given Moses a spiritual “pep talk” for the people, his fears are realized. Israel will not listen to him. Moses knew Pharaoh would resist. He was not prepared for Israel to resist.

Moses follows the same patter in Exodus 10:12. He spoke objections against God’s plan. He was disheartened as well. God patiently encouraged him to continue with his message to Israel and his confrontations with Pharaoh. He knew Israel had a broken spirit in the midst of unbearable labor and slavery. And Moses too was being broken.

Before God brings incredible victory, there is often unbearable loss. Sometimes we must know deep sorrow in order to receive inexplicable joy. That is what is going on at this point in the book of Exodus. Moses and Israel are working through the results of Pharaoh’s hard heart to God. And they are not responding to God with commitment to Him either. There are times when we fall out of the frying pan and into the fire. And it is when those bad to worse moments happen that our faith is tried the most.

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