Tuesday, September 10, 2013

conspiring against God

The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD and against his Anointed, saying, "Let us burst their bonds apart and cast away their cords from us." 

Psalm 2:2-3

When the nations rage against God it is because human selfish autonomy wants control over the authority  of God. But this is a stategy doomed for failure. It is based on false perceptions. People don't want God because they don't understand Him.

What God gives as wisdom and direction for humanity is seen as a shackle and bondage. What God does for us in His mercy is seen as restricting pain. This is the same old thinking Satan used to get Adam and Eve to fall. He successfully got them to believe that God was keeping them from become the fullest people they could be. And so often, people who do not know God find the very thought of Him to be suffocating. But they are rejecting Him not for the truth of Who He is, but for the lies they have told themselves about Him.

That is why God wants a people who will simply live in relationship with Him. This destroys the lies. When I just live as His child, naturally loving those who need God, not becoming hateful or judgmental or any thing else that God is not, then the lies that people believe about God can be shown as false in a verifiable life. And the LORD they see as a restriction can be testified to by my life as a liberation. This is what I want my life to be.

There will always be those who try to conspire against God. SIn has its rebellions always ongoing. But the time is short in the light of eternity, and all rebellions will not succeed in stopping the onfolding of God's eternal purposes. God already has shown Himself to be true in countless lives who have trusted Him and those who conspire against Him will not succeed against that.

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