Wednesday, March 5, 2014

worship worldwide

The LORD has made known his salvation; he has revealed his righteousness in the sight of the nations. He has remembered his steadfast love and faithfulness to the house of Israel. All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God. 

Psalm 98:2-3

And what was true for Israel so many thousands of years ago is true for me as well. Through Christ's work and the visible evidence of His redemptive love the world can see the salvation of our God. It is the heart of God that His love be known in His people in the sight of all the nations. There is a mandate then that we who are God's people will share His heart for the people of the world. We are called to demonstrate His salvation and God's righteousness to all the earth.

God is steadfast and faithful to His people so that we in turn would be faithful to His desire to make His glory known in all the earth. Worship is not just a cloistered cluster of Christians on Sunday. It is a proclamation of God's glory and the great power of the gospel to meet the need of all the world! Worship has God's glory in mind with a desire to make it known to all the world. And if I have not considered my part in that picture, then I may not have ever really worshiped God.


In Jesus Your salvation is made known. Your righteousness is revealed. And I am called, like all believers, to make that righteousness known so that the world may rejoice in it. Use me in Your way so that the ends of the earth may see Your salvation.


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