Wednesday, June 4, 2014

handling hard times

With my voice I cry out to the LORD; with my voice I plead for mercy to the LORD. I pour out my complaint before him; I tell my trouble before him. 

Psalm 142:1-2

The inscription to this psalm attributes this to David who wrote it while in a cave, probably hiding from the wrath of king Saul. This was why David cried out to God for mercy. His life was threatened. The complaint and trouble that he talked to God about in his prayers were found in this situation where David ran for his life as a fugitive warrior.

So we are shown how to handle the hard stuff: Don't. Pray about it instead. Give your difficulties over to God. Don't try to use your own intellect or abilities to manage the situation. Wrestle through the pain by talking to God about it. Turn to trusting The Lord, not to your own power to perform. Expect that God will take care of it. He is wiser and stronger than you are!

If David could trust in God by prayer while in the cold, dark stone of a Judean cave, I think that I can trust Him with my uncertainties. When my life is hard or simply does not make sense, or when things happen that are adverse and are not what I ever wanted, I will pray. I WILL pray. I will PRAY. It is the best way.

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